Legal Services – Are you wishing to trace or locate a family member or missing person?

Mar 23, 2022

About 6 months ago we were instructed by a solicitor company on behalf of a client to trace a gentleman whom the client was the mother of, she had not seen him since the age of 10 years when he went into care.


We were given his name and date of birth and we explained to our client that in the event of tracking him down we would have to obtain his consent before we could give the son’s details to her, which they understood, and they gave us the green light for us to commence enquiries.


Our initial enquiries found the name and date of birth that matched our subject and we attempted to contact him discreetly by both mobile number and email without success. 


Further discreet enquiries eventually revealed that the subject had changed his name legally by deed poll to match his new partners’ name, he also changed address and mobile number.


We had a very sensitive conversation with him during which he became very emotional saying something which will never be forgotten, he said ” There’s not a day goes by when I don’t think about my mother.”


We agreed to let him have a few days to gather his thoughts together and speak to his partner about it.


When we spoke with him again a few days later, he acknowledged that he wanted to be put in touch with his mother and was looking forward to it.


To our knowledge, this is what happened.


This was a very satisfying experience and gave us a great deal of both professional and personal pride.


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We use specialist database searches to trace people. We conduct the enquiries legally & ethically above board to achieve the best results for our client. We are fully GDPR compliant. Why not make contact with us to discuss your individual requirements. We…

About 2 years ago

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